Server / Server Info 5



The Server / Server Info 5 screen presents and continues a variety of configuration information from the server perspective.


Place the mouse over the fields to obtain additional information.  If the value is configurable, the tool-tip displays the CONFMOMI keyword.


The MOMI Default Work Location section shows the $vol.subvol where MOMI work files are created.  See the CONFMOMI keyword DEFAULT-WORK-LOCATION for additional information.


The VHS Default Location section shows the $vol.subvol where MOMI will initially takes a user when selecting a location for displaying VHS Log files.  See the CONFMOMI keyword SELECTION-DEFAULT-VHS for additional information.


The Alternate PATHTCP2 Location shows the file name used as an additional object for identifying a Pathway TCP process. See the CONFMOMI keyword PATHWAY-TCP for additional information.


The BWSSG Info section display the File Name and various attributes for the Super Group helper.  This file is a copy of the BWMOMI program created by the administrator of the MOMI software during installation.  This object is used unless MOMI is started under the Super.Super User ID.  See the General considerations of Security for additional information.


The History section shows history files defined and their percentage full.  MOMI automatically deletes the oldest data from the file to allow inserting new history data.  Running a history file at 100% full does not cause errors.  See Enabling History for additional information.


The extents for a history file may be altered by right-clicking on a value in the Max Ext. (Maximum Extents) column.